Posted at 19:20h
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Mindful Eating is Key for the Establishment of Healthy Permanent Lifestyle Change
Here are some tips outlined for you below;
Practice mindful eating:
- Treat every meal as if you are fine dining. Set the table, relax, take small bites, sip water and put your fork down between bites
- Sit to eat, eat slowly, turn off the TV, and computer . The only activity you should be engaging in is eating
- Pay attention to the foods (aroma, texture, mouth feel, taste)
- Eat when you feel hungry not “starved” stop when you feel satisfied not “stuffed”.
Lose the “all or nothing” attitude:
- Practice moderation. If you eat a cookie enjoy it, don’t use it as an excuse to eat the box.
- Remind yourself you are not on a diet. This is your way of life.
- Part of “normal” eating is overeating or under eating occasionally
Keep records:
- Studies show over and over again that the food diary is the number one tool for permanent weight loss. Write it all down in detail!
- Keep exercise records too.
Make small, specific, achievable goals, and write them down:
- For instance, your goal might be to eat 3 cups of vegetables a day. To make this realistic it’s important to also plan how you will do this. For instance, you might pack vegetables to have with a protein for your snack at work, have a large salad at lunch and include vegetables with dinner. Be as specific as possible and track your progress.
When you reach your goals reward yourself with non food gifts:
- Schedule a massage
- Take a nice bubble bath
- Buy yourself a new clothing item
- Treat yourself to a few personal training sessions!
Measure and weigh foods:
- In the beginning this is key to increase your awareness of the appropriate portion sizes and so that you can see how much you are really eating. Most people underestimate how much they eat.
- Use measuring spoons and measuring cups or food scales.
Stop emotional eating:
- Make a list of other things that you can do that don’t involve food such as going on a walk, calling a friend, polishing your nails, taking a nap.
- Wear a rubber band on your wrist and snap it when you feel yourself eating for emotional reasons. The band will remind you that eating is not the solution
- Fast forward. Try to think about how you will feel after emotional eating. Most likely you will feel much worse. Make yourself think it through.
- Get your Zzz’s! Emotional eating and overeating frequently occur when people are not getting adequate rest. Make sure to get your beauty sleep!